7 main reasons why hamsters get lumps

The status of Hamsters with lumps, Hamsters with tumors, Hamsters with swollen lymph nodes are very dangerous. Sadly this is one of the diseases of Hamsterspopular. If not detected and treated promptly, it can lead to death.

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1. Hamsters have a lump caused by a fungus

As we all know, Hamster is a kind of pet mousebelong to the order of rodents. They have been kept as pets for a long time. However, in the process of taking care of them, the ornamental miceThis can appear some dangerous diseases. Especially the tumor status in hamsters. The cause of the hamster's condition is similar to that of wet tail disease.

Hamsters with lumps are a fungal disease. Severe symptoms such as diarrhea. Urine and stools have a very strong, unpleasant odor. Messy fur, slow movements, eyes not open, belly skin tight, dehydrated. Wet tail symptoms are commonly seen in nursing hamsters around 3-6 weeks of age. However, at any stage, Hamsters are susceptible to this disease.

2. Hamster has a tumor

Recognizing signs

Hamsters with internal or external tumors can develop. External tumors can be easily detected by rapidly growing large swellings.

Hamsters have an external tumor that can be removed by a veterinarian. In contrast, Hamsters with tumors in the body are difficult to detect in the early stages for timely intervention.

Hamster mice with tumors on certain parts of the body appear tumors clearly. If you find out that your hamster has a tumor, take them to the vet right away. If the tumor is benign, it can be cured after removal.

3. Treating Hamsters with Tumors

Hamsters with malignant tumors must be treated with anti-cancer drugs. However, after a while will also produce side effects. Drug metronidazole or doxycycline hydrochloride can be used. It is possible to add a little medicine to dissolve in the drinking water of the hamster. Or use a syringe to inject medicine into the hamster's mouth.

Place 4 drops of Gentamycin Sulfate and Sodium Chloride into an 80ml water bottle. If the tumor in the hamster is severe, it can be further reduced. Or give directly 2 times/day. Use eye drops mixed with 4 drops of Gentamycin Sulfate and Sodium Chloride and honey or glucose water, then let the Hamster lick it directly. For 3 days, the basic can be improved. Time to take the medicine to stop all vegetables.

4. Hamster mouse has a fat lump

If the amount of fat in the body is too much and there is no way to get rid of it, the hamster will have a fat lump. Surgery can be used to remove it. If it doesn't affect the body's function, it's okay not to get rid of it.

5. Hamster mouse has a uterine tumor

Hamsters with fatty lumps are a disease only seen in mother mice, which is also the appearance of tumors in the uterus and ovaries. The vast majority are caused by an infection. Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. Combined with using some more antibiotics as directed by the veterinarian.

6. Hamster has swollen lymph nodes

The lymph node is a lymphoid - interretinal endothelial organization, scattered in many different locations in the body. When you find a hamster with lymph nodes, you need to take them to the veterinarian immediately. Hamsters with swollen lymph nodes can be detected when you palpate and palpate them and detect swollen lymph nodes. Hamsters with swollen lymph nodes will feel pain

7. Hamster mouse with leukocytosis

The disease is caused by a virus. In the urine of infected hamsters will contain these viruses, which will infect other animals or people. Symptoms of the disease are mostly convulsions, hind legs hinder walking, growth retardation... Currently, there is no cure, only secondary infection can be avoided.

Hopefully in the process of taking care of hamsters you will not encounter these conditions. The right way to raise hamsters will limit diseases and prolong their life. Regular observation and timely detection help you better control the health of your Hamster.

Preventing Hamsters from getting lumps

Based on each cause, it is possible to give preventive measures for Hamster. However, how to nurture and care still holds the most important position. Need to care for hamsters with nutritious foods, increase resistance.

Also, regularly clean the hamster's living space. Because this is the place where bacteria and fungi have the conditions to multiply and grow. Let Hamsters run on wheels, avoid obesity and increase resistance.

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