11 body language expressions of cute hamsters

Cute Hamster images, drawings, anime wallpaperskute spread on social networks, making many people interested. Today, many people love and keep hamsters as indoor pets. They are solitary animals and are popular pets. There are many different breeds of hamsters. For example, Hamster Bear, Winter White, Campbell…

They often have adorable expressions and behaviors that entice their owners. Or want to notify owners of their mood. Usually, through this you can understand what state the baby Hamster is in. So how will cute hamsters have special expressions? Let's go with Tinhot.asia find out.

Dropping his ears shows the cute Hamster relaxing

Hamster 's Earsdrooping indicates they are not awake and relaxed. When Hamsters are alert, their ears are often perked up and are very sensitive to even the slightest sound of their surroundings. Since hamsters are prone to visual impairment , they have small sensitive ears to compensate.

When cute hamsters are alert, their ears will often be raised, extremely sensitive to the sounds of their surroundings. But if you see them close to their ears, it's very likely that something bad has happened.

Image of Hamsters cleaning their fur

Hamsters will modify their own plumage in two situations. The first case, when they are in a relaxed state. In the second case, after the owner touches them, they want to apply their taste to their body.

Cute Hamsters love their own taste. Or if the hamster loves to groom itself, but if the frequency is too high, then pay attention to whether it is scared or has a skin disease.

Hamster is sneaky sneaky

If the Hamster is hunched over, running back and forth in small steps, it indicates that his body may be uncomfortable somewhere. At that time, remember to come close to them and see what problems your cute Hamster is having.

Hamsters stand up and wag their feet

Often it is a symptom of being very curious, wanting to explore the surroundings. They will stand up to observe and feel if there is anything special around. Otherwise, they will return to their original state. What a cute Hamster with an "excited" face.

Hamster rat wheezes or doesn't wake up

When cute hamsters feel threatened, they take this attitude. Sometimes owners will suddenly reach out their hands or when they are threatened by others, they will also scream. Because they have nothing to deal with the enemy. Only then will the enemy be afraid.

Wheezing to indicate fear is also a type of aggressive posture. If you doze off and do not wake up, it is very likely that the hamster is sick. And if when they are sleeping, their feet are constantly digging, this is very normal, when they are sleeping, hiding food and sometimes looking for food will be like that.

Hamsters often yawn and make supplications

They are paying attention to look around, if the owner is not paying attention, they may attack. .

Image of cute hamster grinding his teeth

Usually grinding teeth represents that Hamsters are very hungry and want to find food to eat, but if they grind their teeth but do not want to eat, it is very likely that the body is not healthy!

Cute Hamster when relaxing his body

When you see their lazy form lying on the ground, know that they are truly satisfied. When cute Hamsters are sleeping, they usually relax their bodies. So it's best not to wake them up when the owner sees this.

Hamster mouse climbs on owner's hand

When the Hamster is in a good mood, it will climb on the owner and coax him. When the owner put his hand in the cage and called the mouse's name. If cute Hamsters climb into the hands of their owners, it means that they are in a good mood today.

Stand up and hold your hands up, this means “I don't like being here, I want to run away!” If the rat has this behavior in his mouse cage, then the owner should pay more attention.

Hamsters walking back and forth on a road

Don't be funny to see cute Hamsters walking back and forth on the same road. In fact, this is a manifestation of pressure. When the mice were nervous, they would go back and forth on the same path. If owners see mice acting like this, they should pay more attention.

Wheels for hamsters to run wildly. Most of the mice run on the wheels for exercise and play. Some rats will use the wheel to vent their displeasure. So don't think that running on wheels is a very common thing. In fact, the mouse is telling you that it is very annoying.

When hamsters pretend to walk on the ground, it means they are in a state of alert. In general, they will be like this in unfamiliar places. When the wind blows and the grass sways, it will advance at full speed.

How to nurture the affection of cute Hamsters

You shouldn't be shy when they bite you. If you push your hand away, they will feel that you are not trustworthy, take it as it wants and don't blame it.

Cute Hamsters like to sleep during the day, active at night. They can sleep anywhere and anytime. When they are curled up to sleep, it is best not to disturb the Hamster. At this time, the Hamster's vigilance is at its highest.

Although Hamsters love to sleep in the morning, that doesn't mean you don't have to play with them. When it is looking for food, you just need to put a piece of sugar on your hand, it will immediately obey and follow your hand.

Each type of hamster sometimes behaves differently. The choice of food for hamstersand the way of care is also different. You should pay attention to these points to match their personality.

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