Mother cat is engorged with milk, what to do? How to handle milk for mother cat

The mother cat's milk engorgement leading to mastitis symptoms is a story repeated many times, causing many owners to have a headache because the baby is weak, slowly dying, losing one baby every day. Mother's milk is the best, but if the mother cat is engorged with milk, the baby does not suckle, it is a dilemma for brothers who raise pet cats during the breeding period. If not treated in time, it will affect the health of the mother cat and subsequent litters.

The following article of the will show you how to promptly treat when the mother cat is engorged. Read slowly to remember each step and process!

What is the cause of lactation in the mother cat?

The mother cat is engorged, also known as engorgement or lactation, this phenomenon occurs when the mother cat produces a lot of milk but the kittens are not able to suckle or not be fed.

If in case the cat has calcium fever after giving birth for 1 or 2 weeks, usually the mother cat will be injected and infused within 2 to 3 days to supplement calcium, during this time the mother cat can still feed the baby, but Only feed 1 to 2 kittens at a time, remember to separate the kittens from the mother cat!

During the newborn period, a lot of milk is secreted without proper breastfeeding, which will lead to lactation in the mother cat

Or when you let the kittens wean early because the mother cat is prone to fever due to calcium deficiency after the kittens are 3 weeks old, at this stage the kittens suckle very well and quickly, you can practice feeding the kittens outside.

The breastfeeding cycle in cats is usually over 30 days, the cat's mammary glands will continuously secrete milk, but when you wean the kittens early, do not breastfeed, causing the mammary glands of the mother cat to be stretched and milky. 

This is the cause of clogged milk glands, mastitis, mammary abscess leading to complications that adversely affect the mother's next feedings, if the condition is worse, you will have to take the mother cat away. Treatment is very difficult.

How to handle engorged mother cat effectively and simply at home

There is no need to take your cat to the medical facility when you notice that your cat is engorged, you can handle it by the following steps that are guaranteed to work for your cat. Just be patient and take good care of the mother cat.

After you separate the kittens from the mother, give the mother a milk suppressant or Alpha Choy to help with milk when stressed and irritated. This drug is not too difficult to find, you can easily buy them at your local pharmacy, the drug has the effect of reducing edema, anti-inflammatory (can be used for dogs if you are raising a puppy). 

In parallel with giving medicine, you massage the mother cat's udder and give it a kick. Put a few small ice cubes in a plastic bag and then gently rub them all over to stimulate the mammary glands.

Depending on the weight of the mother cat after giving birth, I will give the drug with the appropriate dose. If after giving birth, your cat weighs between 2kg and 4kg, you can give 1 Alpha Choay tablet a day, divided into half, half a tablet in the morning and half at night. After taking the medicine for about 30 minutes, massage your breasts with ice. If you gently touch the harder breast, massage more.

Maintain for 3 days in a row, on the 4th day, you should only give your cat half a tablet in the morning and then stop and continue to massage the breast after about 1 week, the breast will drain the milk, not cause stagnation and will There were no signs of abscess or sclerosis.

How to prevent the mother cat from being engorged

Although mother cat engorgement is a common occurrence, owners can completely prevent this in many different ways. The first thing that all owners must pay attention to is to keep the cat's surroundings and body clean, especially the udders.

Make sure that, during the pre- and postnatal period, the mother cat is provided with the most necessary nutrients. Nutrition will be an important "key", strengthening the body's resistance, thereby limiting infection a lot if the mother cat has a case of blocked milk glands.

Change places often, alternately when kittens suckle mother's milk. This greatly helps the milk glands to secrete evenly, the amount of milk produced from there will also be more, avoiding the blockage of the mother's milk glands very effectively.

Owners do not hesitate to bring the mother cat to the veterinary clinic regularly, especially during pregnancy. Surely the doctor will give extremely useful advice before the important event of those mother cats.

The mother cat's milk engorgement will make them very uncomfortable and painful, the owner should try to take care of the mother cat very carefully so that the mother cat is healthy and nurturing the kittens.

Hopefully the information Pet Blog has just shared will help you take better care of the mother cat to have the next successful breeding litters.

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