Cats Have Fungus Skin And How To Treat It At Home

Fungus is not a strange disease for cats. The disease is mainly caused by parasites and adversely affects the health of the "emperor". The initial symptoms of the disease are difficult to recognize, only when the lotus checks the cat regularly, the disease can be detected.

Why Cats Have Fungus?

Fungal skin disease is one of the common diseases commonly seen in cats, especially Western cats or hybrid cats such as British short-haired cats, British long-haired cats, Persian cats ... The disease will cause infection of the surface of cats. stratum corneum, hairs or claws. The parasites that cause this disease include: Microsporum canis, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton.

There are many reasons why cats can get ringworm. Hot and humid climate is one of the ideal conditions for fungi to grow. So if you let your pet cat live in a humid environment with little sunlight, the cat will be very susceptible to infection. Or after bathing, you do not dry the cat's hair, it will create a humid environment for bacteria to grow.

In addition, if you are the clean type, bathing your cat too many times can also make your cat sick. The reason is that bathing and brushing will reduce the loss of fungal alkaline sebum - one of the prevention factors of cats. At the same time, bathing a lot also destroys the epidermal cells leaving them intact, increasing the moisture of the skin and hair, causing a fungal condition.

Symptoms of cat hair fungus

Fungal skin or hair disease in cats can occur in any age and breed of cat. However, the "kings" under the age of 6 months, with long and thick hair will be more prone to fungal infections than the rest. The symptoms of the disease appear on the skin and coat of the pet cat, so if you regularly groom and hold your baby, you will easily detect the disease.

Cats with tinea capitis will often be itchy and uncomfortable. The baby's hair falls out in patches and on the skin will appear layers of dead cells. If you look closely at the lotus, you can spot red oval or coin-shaped nodules on the cat's skin in the area of ​​shedding. The initial manifestations are difficult to recognize until the cat itch and scratch more, the hair falls out revealing red patches of skin. Fungal skin disease can also be transmitted to humans, so many people when they start to feel itchy, they realize that their pet cat is sick.

How to treat hairy skin fungus for cats at home is very simple

Sen does not need to be too worried when the cat has a fungal infection because tinea versicolor is not difficult to treat because currently effective antifungal products are sold a lot in pet stores. Sen can be bought to bathe or apply to cats according to the instructions for use on the product or consult a doctor. It is important to note that limiting your pet's contact with the wound will limit the spread of fungus. 

Regularly keeping the "royal" dry and cleaning the cool living space will help the lotus to prevent significant fungal diseases. Fungal disease is not difficult to cure but requires long-term treatment, so lotus must be patient to bring positive results.

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