Is it easy to raise pet birds?

Breeding pet birds is an elegant hobby in the midst of a busy life. This is also a form of business "taking money" of many people in recent years. How to raise birds effectively. This is not an easy question to answer.

For the "old people" in the bird farming profession, do not say anything. But for those who are new to the hobby of raising birds, it is necessary to "pocket" for themselves a lot of bird-raising experience, especially how to raise young birds, which will be "revealed" shortly. It will definitely be of help to you.

1. Things to orient when raising birds

If you want to raise birds effectively and easily, then you must clearly identify the problems associated with this job. From classifying birds, choosing to raise chicks or adults… It will determine your different ways of raising birds.

♦ Choose a bird

There are many ornamental birds . It is important for you to determine what your birdkeeping is for. Do you want to keep birds for ornamental purposes or for singing? If you do a scene, you can choose a safe of 7 colors, fragile, colorful umbrella, bird nest... But if you want to raise birds to sing, the first candidate is the mimosa. In addition, you can also choose nightingale, warblew, flamingo, ringed... You should note that if you choose to raise ornamental birds to sing, you should choose male birds. Because male birds often sing much better than female birds.

♦  What kind of bird should be raised?

Ornamental birds are also divided into many types for you to choose to raise. Specifically, when raising ornamental birds , people often choose the following 3 birds:

- The first is the scorpion. These are also known as wild birds. They grow up in the wild. This bird has the main advantage of singing very well. If you want to raise ornamental birds to sing, this type is most suitable because it retains the voice in the pristine mountains. But the downside when choosing to raise peacocks is that it is very difficult to raise because of its poor adaptability to the captive environment.

– The passerine is a very easy bird to raise. Because this is a newly mature bird, it is very adaptable to captivity. You can train birds more easily. However, raising this ornamental bird also has the disadvantage that the voice will not be as good as the bird's voice because it does not have the voice of the mountains.
– Young birds are a rather difficult choice to raise birds. Because raising young birds is not easy. However, if successfully raising birds, the birds will be very smart and brave with people. About singing, it takes a lot of practice to be good.

2. Which bird cage should I choose?

When raising ornamental birds, choosing a bird cage is very important. Whether you are raising young birds or scorpions, you must also pay attention to this issue. The general requirement of choosing a pet bird cage is to ensure the comfort of the birds. Especially for new birds that have just been brought in, each cage needs an extra cage so that the birds won't be scared. This cage will be opened slowly to allow the bird to gradually mature and adapt to the environment.

In addition, when choosing a bird cage, you need to choose a cage of the right size. If the cage is too tight, the bird will feel uncomfortable and often damage the cage. If the cage is too big, the bird will be scared. This is very difficult for the domestication and training of your bird.
3. What you need to know in how to raise young birds

Many people who have a hobby of playing ornamental birds  often choose to raise baby birds to teach them from a young age. But with this option, you need to pay attention to some very important issues if you want to successfully raise young birds. We will share some experiences in how to raise young birds to make it easier for you to raise birds.

♦ Provide vitamin D when raising young birds

For young birds, the light around 7-8 am is the best light source for the birds to absorb vitamin D. This is an essential element for the bird's calcium absorption process. It helps to make bones, nails, beak stronger and stronger. If you think that you can supplement vitamin D for birds through food, you are very wrong. Because vitamin D when entering the body will be excreted through feces, not absorbed into the bird's body.

♦ Make sure your accommodation is safe and clean

What you need to pay attention to in how to raise young birds is to ensure a cool and clean place for the birds. Because young birds cannot tolerate high heat. It will make birds lose biological balance, fatigue. In addition, the nesting of young birds must also be safe, avoiding other dangerous animals such as cats, mice, and owls.

♦ Choose food when raising young birds

Nutritious foods such as pigeons, cow hearts, rabbits... are always the best choice when you raise chimnons. In particular, you should not feed the birds too much. This will harm the bird, even the bird can die from overeating. If you love birds, then really treat the young birds like children. They need to be loved and cared for very carefully before they can become "treasures" in your hands in the future.

If you are passionate about ornamental birds and want to raise and teach birds yourself instead of buying birds from outside to raise them, don't forget the ways to raise and choose birds that we share here. Good luck !

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