Explain Dogs lose a lot of hair during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an arduous process, many dogs during pregnancy show signs of hair loss, even abnormal hair loss, this is a fairly common condition that occurs due to the impact of many other reasons. each other, so why do pregnant dogs lose hair ? 

First of all, we do not rule out the possibility that your dog is pregnant and shows signs of shedding according to the body's molting cycle. If male dogs do not have a clearly divided moult cycle, female dogs often have a clear shedding cycle about once every 3 months, during this moulting period, the dog will shed a lot of abnormal hair along the way. In the downward direction of the body, hair falls a lot but does not fall in patches, recovers quickly thanks to the continuous growth of hairs on the skin.

This is a completely normal phenomenon of the body and nothing to worry about. To understand more about dogs with hair loss, you can check out the article.

For pregnant dogs with a lot of hair loss or not due to the molting cycle, the causes include:

Hormonal changes in the body

During pregnancy, hormone levels in the body increase, promoting metabolism, causing disturbances and imbalances in the skin environment.

Lack of nutrition

During pregnancy, the mother dog's body is severely nutritionally deficient because in the first months, the mother dog may have morning sickness, anorexia, and in the following months, the child will grow up quickly, if not supplemented in time, there is not enough protein. , vitamins A, C, iron, ... will make the body's ability to synthesize keratin poor, skin tissue weakened, anemia, deficiency under the skin, making the link between the skin and hair follicles weak, ruffled, not smooth which, dry fibrous, brittle, easy to break, easy to fall off.

Feeling Stressed or Tired

The mother dog during pregnancy is also very susceptible to stress due to many factors such as body fatigue due to lack of substances, anemia, irritability, accompanying signs during pregnancy, and not being cared for and provided with. Adequate nutrition, not supported to function properly, etc. Stress makes the body's immune system disordered, causing hair follicles to degenerate, leading to a lot of hair loss.

Some other factors

In addition to factors of natural biopsies for the body, pregnant dogs with hair loss can also be caused by skin diseases such as dermatitis, skin infections, skin fungus, ... or the invasion of parasites parasites such as mites, scabies, bugs, etc. These factors make the skin lose its natural protection ability, weaken it, cause itching, burning pain, and hair loss.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a long process, when you see a pregnant dog losing hair, you need to pay attention to providing adequate water, providing a rich source of nutrients, full of vitamins, dividing meals, and taking care of them regularly. so that the pregnant dog can relieve emotions, not feel tired, ... and do not forget to take the dog to see a veterinarian for advice as well as appropriate treatment solutions when suspecting that the dog has external diseases skin, parasitic infection.

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