Chihuahua dogs lose hair – Causes and Treatments

Chihuahuas are ornamental dogs that have existed for a long time, originating from Mexico, they are increasingly popular and chosen as pets because of their small, pretty, clean appearance and personality that is very suitable for voting. friend.

However, Chihuahuas are also animals that are susceptible to various diseases, such as digestive problems or skin diseases. In this article, we will introduce the causes that lead to Chihuahua dog hair loss .

Shedding is a normal growth activity in dogs and in small Chihuahuas too, their moulting cycle is usually every 2 to 3 months. However, if your Chihuahua suddenly shows signs of unusual hair loss, it may be a sign of a medical condition. The causes leading to Chihuahua dog hair loss :

Hair loss due to parasites: fungi, mites, dog bugs, ...

Vietnam is a country with a hot and humid climate, which is very suitable for parasites to grow and develop, so your Chihuahua dog being infected with parasites is a possibility that should not be ignored if you see him. Your dog is showing signs of excessive hair loss.

The fungi, mites, and ticks not only absorb nutrients from the host's body, but their living process on the host's body also creates discomfort for the dog, your dog always feels itchy, tired, restless because of the appearance of these unwanted people.

At a more severe level, the parasites thrive, will cause Chihuahua dogs to lose  more hair , initially small patches, peeling skin, keratinization, then can destroy the skin, hair loss completely whole or sparsely jagged, causing unsightly, skin ulcers, and fluid discharge.


If your dog exhibits unusual hair loss while using certain medications, possibly anesthetics after surgery, it's likely that Chihuahuas lose hair due to allergies to certain foods. drug ingredients, take them to a veterinarian for examination and timely treatment.

Using a bath soap with a pH that is too high, unsafe for the skin also causes the dog's skin to be excessively washed and weakened, the pore connection is weak and the hair is shed a lot.

Improper nutrition

Chihuahuas are dogs that need good nutrition, and if you're using a supermarket-bought dry food for your dog, this really isn't the ideal food for your dog. Chihuahua dogs with hair loss need to be applied with a rich, complete and alternating diet of meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc. These foods also help your dog's digestive system develop well. than.

If the diet is not good, your dog will also be unhealthy, weak resistance, susceptible to various diseases, leading to Chihuahua dog hair loss.

Excessive bathing

Excessive bathing also causes Chihuahuas to shed abnormally. The process of bathing removes the natural sebum on the skin, this is an oily layer that acts as a natural protection layer of the body against many environmental hazards, so the dog's coat becomes thinner and thinner. easy to fall off.

Living environment is not clean

The living environment is not clean, dry, humid and the body is not clean, which is the ideal condition for many types of parasites and harmful microorganisms to develop and easily penetrate directly into the dog's body. Your dog feels itchy, uncomfortable, the process of scratching, scratching on the skin leads to skin damage and hair loss.

If you find your Chihuahua dog has abnormal hair loss, observe and consider the cause to take timely treatment and treatment measures to help your dog stay healthy and happy.

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